Source code for

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional
import warnings

floatORarray = Union[float, npt.NDArray[np.float_]]

    import keplertools.Cyeccanom  # type: ignore

    haveCyeccanom = True
except ImportError:
    haveCyeccanom = False

[docs]def eccanom( M: npt.ArrayLike, e: npt.ArrayLike, epsmult: float = 4.01, maxIter: int = 100, returnIter: bool = False, noc: bool = False, verb: bool = False, ) -> Union[Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], int], npt.NDArray[np.float_]]: """Finds eccentric anomaly from mean anomaly and eccentricity This method uses Newton-Raphson iteration to find the eccentric anomaly from mean anomaly and eccentricity, assuming a closed (0<e<1) orbit. Args: M (float or ndarray): mean anomaly (rad) e (float or ndarray): eccentricity (eccentricity may be a scalar if M is given as an array, but otherwise must match the size of M.) epsmult (float): Precision of convergence (multiplied by precision of floating data type). Optional, defaults to 4.01. maxiter (int): Maximum numbr of iterations. Optional, defaults to 100. returnIter (bool): Return number of iterations (defaults false, only available in python version, ignored if using C version) noc (bool): Don't use C version even if it can be loaded. verb (bool): Print exactly which version (C or Python is being used) Returns: tuple: E (float or ndarray): eccentric anomaly (rad) numIter (int): Number of iterations (returned only if returnIter=True) Notes: If either M or e are scalar, and the other input is an array, the scalar input will be expanded to the same size array as the other input. So, a scalar M and array e will result in the calculation of the eccentric anomaly for one mean anomaly at a variety of eccentricities, and a scalar e and array M input will result in the calculation of eccentric anomalies for one eccentricity at a variety of mean anomalies. If both inputs are arrays then they are matched element by element. """ if not (noc): noc = not (haveCyeccanom) if verb and not (haveCyeccanom): print("C version requested, but not found") # make sure M and e are of the correct format. # if either is scalar, expand to match sizes M = np.array(M, ndmin=1).astype(float).flatten() e = np.array(e, ndmin=1).astype(float).flatten() if e.size != M.size: if e.size == 1: e = np.array([e[0]] * len(M)) if M.size == 1: M = np.array([M[0]] * len(e)) assert e.shape == M.shape, "Incompatible inputs." assert np.all((e >= 0) & (e < 1)), "e defined outside [0,1)" # force M into [0, 2*pi) M = np.mod(M, 2 * np.pi) if noc: if verb: print("Using Python version.") # initial values for E E = M / (1 - e) mask = e * E**2 > 6 * (1 - e) E[mask] = (6 * M[mask] / e[mask]) ** (1.0 / 3.0) # Newton-Raphson setup tolerance = np.finfo(float).eps * epsmult numIter = 0 err = 1.0 while err > tolerance and numIter < maxIter: E = E - (M - E + e * np.sin(E)) / (e * np.cos(E) - 1) err = np.max(abs(M - (E - e * np.sin(E)))) numIter += 1 if numIter == maxIter: raise ValueError("eccanom failed to converge. Final error of %e" % err) else: if verb: print("Using C version.") E = keplertools.Cyeccanom.Cyeccanom(M, e, epsmult, maxIter) returnIter = False if returnIter: return E, numIter else: return E # type: ignore
[docs]def trueanom(E: npt.ArrayLike, e: npt.ArrayLike) -> npt.NDArray[np.float_]: """Finds true anomaly from eccentric anomaly and eccentricity The implemented method corresponds to Eq. 6.28 in Green assuming a closed (0<e<1) orbit. Args: E (float or ndarray): eccentric anomaly (rad) e (float or ndarray): eccentricity (eccentricity may be a scalar if M is given as an array, but otherwise must match the size of M.) Returns: ndarray: true anomaly (rad) Notes: If either E or e are scalar, and the other input is an array, the scalar input will be expanded to the same size array as the other input. """ E = np.array(E, ndmin=1).astype(float).flatten() e = np.array(e, ndmin=1).astype(float).flatten() if e.size != E.size: if e.size == 1: e = np.array([e[0]] * len(E)) if E.size == 1: E = np.array([E[0]] * len(e)) assert e.shape == E.shape, "Incompatible inputs." assert np.all((e >= 0) & (e < 1)), "e defined outside [0,1)" nu = 2.0 * np.arctan(np.sqrt((1.0 + e) / (1.0 - e)) * np.tan(E / 2.0)) nu[nu < 0] += 2 * np.pi return nu # type: ignore
[docs]def vec2orbElem2( rs: npt.NDArray[np.float_], vs: npt.NDArray[np.float_], mus: Union[float, npt.NDArray[np.float_]], ) -> Tuple[ npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], ]: """Convert position and velocity vectors to Keplerian orbital elements Implements the algorithm from Vallado Args: rs (ndarray): 3n x 1 stacked initial position vectors: [r1(1);r1(2);r1(3);r2(1);r2(2)r2(3);...;rn(1);rn(2);rn(3)] or 3 x n or n x 3 matrix of position vectprs. vs (ndarray): 3n x 1 stacked initial velocity vectors or 3 x n or n x3 matrix mus (ndarray or float): nx1 array of gravitational parameters (G*m_i) where G is the gravitational constant and m_i is the mass of the ith body. if all vectors represent the same body, mus may be a scalar. Returns: tuple: a (ndarray): Semi-major axes e (ndarray): eccentricities E (ndarray): eccentric anomalies O (ndarray): longitudes of ascending nodes (rad) I (ndarray): inclinations (rad) w (ndarray): arguments of pericenter (rad) P (ndarray): orbital periods tau (ndarray): time of periapsis crossing Notes: All units must be complementary, i.e., if positions are in AU, and time is in days, vs must be in AU/day, mus must be in AU^3/day^2 """ assert (np.mod(rs.size, 3) == 0) and ( vs.size == rs.size ), "rs and vs must be of the same size and contain 3n elements." nplanets = int(rs.size / 3.0) if not (np.isscalar(mus)): assert mus.size == nplanets, "mus must be scalar or of size n" # type: ignore assert rs.ndim < 3, "rs cannot have more than two dimensions" if rs.ndim == 1: rs = np.reshape(rs, (nplanets, 3)).T else: assert 3 in rs.shape, "rs must be 3xn or nx3" if rs.shape[0] != 3: rs = rs.T assert vs.ndim < 3, "vs cannot have more than two dimensions" if vs.ndim == 1: vs = np.reshape(vs, (nplanets, 3)).T else: assert 3 in vs.shape, "vs must be 3xn or nx3" if vs.shape[0] != 3: vs = vs.T v2s = np.sum(vs**2.0, axis=0) # orbital velocity squared rmag = np.sqrt(np.sum(rs**2.0, axis=0)) # orbital radius hvec = np.vstack( ( rs[1] * vs[2] - rs[2] * vs[1], rs[2] * vs[0] - rs[0] * vs[2], rs[0] * vs[1] - rs[1] * vs[0], ) ) # angular momentum vector nvec = np.vstack( (-hvec[1], hvec[0], np.zeros(len(hvec[2]))) ) # node-pointing vector evec = ( np.tile((v2s - mus / rmag) / mus, (3, 1)) * rs - np.tile(np.sum(rs * vs, axis=0) / mus, (3, 1)) * vs ) # eccentricity vector nmag = np.sqrt(np.sum(nvec**2.0, axis=0)) e = np.sqrt(np.sum(evec**2.0, axis=0)) En = v2s / 2 - mus / rmag a = -mus / 2 / En ell = a * (1 - e**2) if np.any(e == 1): tmp = np.sum(hvec**2.0, axis=0) / mus ell[e == 1] = tmp[e == 1] # angles I = np.arccos(hvec[2] / np.sqrt(np.sum(hvec**2.0, axis=0))) O = np.mod(np.arctan2(nvec[1], nvec[0]), 2 * np.pi) w = np.arccos(np.sum(nvec * evec, axis=0) / e / nmag) w[evec[2] < 0] = 2 * np.pi - w[evec[2] < 0] # ecentric anomaly cosE = (1.0 - rmag / a) / e sinE = np.sum(rs * vs, axis=0) / (e * np.sqrt(mus * a)) E = np.mod(np.arctan2(sinE, cosE), 2 * np.pi) # orbital periods P = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(a**3.0 / mus) # time of periapsis crossing tau = -(E - e * np.sin(E)) / np.sqrt(mus * a**-3.0) return a, e, E, O, I, w, P, tau
[docs]def vec2orbElem( rs: npt.NDArray[np.float_], vs: npt.NDArray[np.float_], mus: Union[float, npt.NDArray[np.float_]], ) -> Tuple[ npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], ]: """Convert position and velocity vectors to Keplerian orbital elements Implements the (corrected) algorithm from Vinti Args: rs (ndarray): 3n x 1 stacked initial position vectors: [r1(1);r1(2);r1(3);r2(1);r2(2)r2(3);...;rn(1);rn(2);rn(3)] or 3 x n or n x 3 matrix of position vectors. vs (ndarray): 3n x 1 stacked initial velocity vectors or 3 x n or n x3 matrix mus (ndarray or float): nx1 array of gravitational parameters (G*m_i) where G is the gravitational constant and m_i is the mass of the ith body. if all vectors represent the same body, mus may be a scalar. Returns: tuple: a (ndarray): Semi-major axes e (ndarray): eccentricities E (ndarray): eccentric anomalies O (ndarray): longitudes of ascending nodes (rad) I (ndarray): inclinations (rad) w (ndarray): arguments of pericenter (rad) P (ndarray): orbital periods tau (ndarray): time of periapsis crossing Notes: All units must be complementary, i.e., if positions are in AU, and time is in days, vs must be in AU/day, mus must be in AU^3/day^2 """ assert (np.mod(rs.size, 3) == 0) and ( vs.size == rs.size ), "rs and vs must be of the same size and contain 3n elements." nplanets = int(rs.size / 3.0) if not (np.isscalar(mus)): assert mus.size == nplanets, "mus must be scalar or of size n" # type: ignore assert rs.ndim < 3, "rs cannot have more than two dimensions" if rs.ndim == 1: rs = np.reshape(rs, (nplanets, 3)).T else: assert 3 in rs.shape, "rs must be 3xn or nx3" if rs.shape[0] != 3: rs = rs.T assert vs.ndim < 3, "vs cannot have more than two dimensions" if vs.ndim == 1: vs = np.reshape(vs, (nplanets, 3)).T else: assert 3 in vs.shape, "vs must be 3xn or nx3" if vs.shape[0] != 3: vs = vs.T v2s = np.sum(vs**2.0, axis=0) # orbital velocity squared r = np.sqrt(np.sum(rs**2.0, axis=0)) # orbital radius Ws = 0.5 * v2s - mus / r # Keplerian orbital energy a = -mus / 2.0 / Ws # semi-major axis L = np.vstack( ( rs[1] * vs[2] - rs[2] * vs[1], rs[2] * vs[0] - rs[0] * vs[2], rs[0] * vs[1] - rs[1] * vs[0], ) ) # angular momentum vector L2s = np.sum(L**2.0, axis=0) # angular momentum squared Ls = np.sqrt(L2s) # angular momentum p = L2s / mus # semi-parameter e = np.sqrt(1.0 - p / a) # eccentricity # ecentric anomaly cosE = (1.0 - r / a) / e sinE = np.sum(rs * vs, axis=0) / (e * np.sqrt(mus * a)) E = np.mod(np.arctan2(sinE, cosE), 2 * np.pi) # inclination (strictly in (0,pi)) I = np.arccos(L[2] / Ls) sinI = np.sqrt(L[0] ** 2 + L[1] ** 2.0) / Ls # argument of pericenter esinwsinI = (vs[0] * L[1] - vs[1] * L[0]) / mus - rs[2] / r ecoswsinI = (Ls * vs[2, :]) / mus - (L[0] * rs[1] - L[1] * rs[0]) / (Ls * r) w = np.mod(np.arctan2(esinwsinI, ecoswsinI), 2 * np.pi) # longitude of ascending node cosO = -L[1] / (Ls * sinI) sinO = L[0] / (np.sqrt(L2s) * sinI) O = np.mod(np.arctan2(sinO, cosO), 2 * np.pi) # orbital periods P = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(a**3.0 / mus) # time of periapsis crossing tau = -(E - e * np.sin(E)) / np.sqrt(mus * a**-3.0) return a, e, E, O, I, w, P, tau
[docs]def calcAB( a: npt.NDArray[np.float_], e: npt.NDArray[np.float_], O: npt.NDArray[np.float_], I: npt.NDArray[np.float_], w: npt.NDArray[np.float_], ) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_]]: """Calculate inertial frame components of perifocal frame unit vectors scaled by orbit semi-major and semi-minor axes. Note that these quantities are closely related to the Thiele-Innes constants Args: a (ndarray): Semi-major axes e (ndarray): eccentricities O (ndarray): longitudes of ascending nodes (rad) I (ndarray): inclinations (rad) w (ndarray): arguments of pericenter (rad) Returns: tuple: A (ndarray): Components of eccentricity vector scaled by a B (ndarray): Components of q vector (orthogonal to e and h) scaled by b (=a\sqrt{1-e^2}) Notes: All inputs must be of same size. Outputs are 3xn for n input points. See Vinti (1998) for details on element/coord sys defintions. """ assert a.size == e.size == O.size == I.size == w.size A = np.vstack( ( a * (np.cos(O) * np.cos(w) - np.sin(O) * np.cos(I) * np.sin(w)), a * (np.sin(O) * np.cos(w) + np.cos(O) * np.cos(I) * np.sin(w)), a * np.sin(I) * np.sin(w), ) ) B = np.vstack( ( -a * np.sqrt(1 - e**2) * (np.cos(O) * np.sin(w) + np.sin(O) * np.cos(I) * np.cos(w)), a * np.sqrt(1 - e**2) * (-np.sin(O) * np.sin(w) + np.cos(O) * np.cos(I) * np.cos(w)), a * np.sqrt(1 - e**2) * np.sin(I) * np.cos(w), ) ) return A, B
[docs]def orbElem2vec( E: npt.NDArray[np.float_], mus: Union[float, npt.NDArray[np.float_]], orbElem: Optional[ Tuple[ npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], ] ] = None, AB: Optional[Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_]]] = None, returnAB: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Tuple[ npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], Tuple[ npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], ], ], Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_]], ]: """Convert Keplerian orbital elements to position and velocity vectors Args: E (ndarray): nx1 array of eccentric anomalies (rad) mus (ndarray or float): nx1 array of gravitational parameters (G*m_i) where G is the gravitational constant and m_i is the mass of the ith body. if all vectors represent the same body, mus may be a scalar. orbElem (tuple): (a,e,O,I,w) Exact inputs to calcAB. Either this or AB input must be set AB (tuple): (A,B) Exact outpus from calcAB returnAB (bool): Default False. If True, returns (A,B) as thrid output. Returns: tuple: rs (ndarray): 3 x n stacked position vectors vs (ndarray): 3 x n stacked velocity vectors AB (tuple): (A,B) Notes: All units are complementary, i.e., if mus are in AU^3/day^2 then positions will be in AU, and velocities will be AU/day. Possible combinations or inputs are: 1. E scalar, mu scalar - single body, single position. A, B should be 3x1 (or orbElem should be all scalars). 2. E vector, mu scalar - single body, many orbital positions. A, B should be 3x1 (or orbElem should be all scalars). 3. E vector, mu vector - multiple bodies at varying orbital positions. A, B should be 3xn where E.size==n (or all orbElem should be size n) and mus.size must equal E.size. """ assert (orbElem is not None) or ( AB is not None ), "You must supply either orbElem or AB inputs." if np.isscalar(E): assert np.isscalar(mus), "Scalar E input requires scalar mus input (one body)." E = np.array(E, ndmin=1) else: assert np.isscalar(mus) or ( mus.size == E.size # type: ignore ), "mus must be of the same size as E or scalar." if orbElem is not None: assert AB is None, "You can only set orbElem or AB." A, B = calcAB(orbElem[0], orbElem[1], orbElem[2], orbElem[3], orbElem[4]) a = orbElem[0] e = orbElem[1] if AB is not None: assert orbElem is None, "You can only set orbElem or AB." A = AB[0] B = AB[1] a = np.linalg.norm(A, axis=0) e = np.sqrt(1 - (np.linalg.norm(B, axis=0) / a) ** 2.0) if np.isscalar(E) or np.isscalar(mus): assert (A.size == 3) and ( B.size == 3 ), "A and B must be 3x1 for scalar E or mu (one body)." if not (np.isscalar(E)) and not (np.isscalar(mus)): assert (A.size == 3 * E.size) and ( B.size == 3 * E.size ), "A and B must be 3xn for vector E (multiple bodies)." if np.isscalar(mus) and not (np.isscalar(E)): r = np.matmul(A, np.array((np.cos(E) - e), ndmin=2)) + np.matmul( B, np.array(np.sin(E), ndmin=2) ) v = ( np.matmul(-A, np.array(np.sin(E), ndmin=2)) + np.matmul(B, np.array(np.cos(E), ndmin=2)) ) * np.tile( np.sqrt(mus * a ** (-3.0)) / (1 - e * np.cos(E)), (3, 1) # type:ignore ) else: r = np.matmul(A, np.diag(np.cos(E) - e)) + np.matmul(B, np.diag(np.sin(E))) v = np.matmul( np.matmul(-A, np.diag(np.sin(E))) + np.matmul(B, np.diag(np.cos(E))), np.diag(np.sqrt(mus * a ** (-3.0)) / (1 - e * np.cos(E))), ) if returnAB: return r, v, (A, B) else: return r, v
[docs]def forcendarray(x: floatORarray) -> npt.NDArray[np.float_]: """Convert any numerical value into 1-D ndarray Args: x (float or numpy.ndarray): Input Returns: numpy.ndarray: Same size as input but in ndarray form """ return np.array(x, ndmin=1).astype(float).flatten()
[docs]def validateOrbitalStateInputs( r: npt.NDArray[np.float_], v: npt.NDArray[np.float_], mu: floatORarray ) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_]]: """Validate and standardize dimensionality of orbital state vector inputs Args: r (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital radius. 3n elements in 1D as [r1(1);r1(2);r1(3);r2(1);r2(2)r2(3);...;rn(1);rn(2);rn(3)] or in 2D as nx3 or 3xn v (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital velocity. Same stacking as r mu (float or numpy.ndarray): Gravitational parameters. If float, assuming all state vectors belong to the same system. Returns: tuple: r (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital radius. (n x 3) v (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital velocity. (n x 3) mu (numpy.ndarray): Gravitational parameters. (size 1 or n) """ # figure out dimensionality of inputs assert len(r.shape) <= 3, "r input must have max dimension 2" if (len(r.shape) == 1) or (1 in r.shape): r = r.flatten().reshape(r.size // 3, 3) else: assert 3 in r.shape, "If r is 2D, one dimension must be length 3" if r.shape[0] == 3: r = r.transpose() assert len(v.shape) <= 3, "v input must have max dimension 2" if (len(v.shape) == 1) or (1 in v.shape): v = v.flatten().reshape(v.size // 3, 3) else: assert 3 in v.shape, "If v is 2D, one dimension must be length 3" if v.shape[0] == 3: v = v.transpose() mu = forcendarray(mu) assert len(r) == len(v), "r and v must have same sizes." assert mu.size == 1 or mu.size == len( r ), "mu must be scalar or same length as r and v" return r, v, mu
[docs]def unitvector( vec: npt.NDArray[np.float_], mag: npt.NDArray[np.float_] ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float_]: """Return the unit vectors of an array of vectors Args: vec(numpy.ndarray): Vectors as nx3 mag (numpy.ndarray): Vector magnitudes as nx1 Returns: numpy.ndarray: Unit vectors in the same layout as input """ with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): out = vec / np.tile(mag, (3, 1)).transpose() return out
[docs]def invKepler( M: floatORarray, e: floatORarray, tol: Optional[float] = None, E0: Optional[floatORarray] = None, maxIter: int = 100, return_nu: bool = False, convergence_error: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], ...]: """Finds eccentric/hyperbolic/parabolic anomaly from mean anomaly and eccentricity This method uses Newton-Raphson iteration to find the eccentric anomaly from mean anomaly and eccentricity, assuming a closed (0<e<1) orbit. Args: M (float or ndarray): mean anomaly (rad) e (float or ndarray): eccentricity (eccentricity may be a scalar if M is given as an array, but otherwise must match the size of M.) tolerance (float): Convergence of tolerance. Defaults to eps(2*pi) E0 (float or ndarray): Initial guess for iteration. Defaults to Taylor-expansion based value for closed orbits and Vallado-derived heuristic for open orbits. If set, must match size of M. maxiter (int): Maximum numbr of iterations. Optional, defaults to 100. return_nu (bool): Return true anomaly (defaults false) convergence_error (bool): Raise error on convergence failure. Defaults True. If false, throws a warning. Returns: tuple: E (ndarray): eccentric/parabolic/hyperbolic anomaly (rad) numIter (ndarray): Number of iterations nu (ndarray): True anomaly (returned only if return_nu=True) Notes: If either M or e are scalar, and the other input is an array, the scalar input will be expanded to the same size array as the other input. So, a scalar M and array e will result in the calculation of the eccentric anomaly for one mean anomaly at a variety of eccentricities, and a scalar e and array M input will result in the calculation of eccentric anomalies for one eccentricity at a variety of mean anomalies. If both inputs are arrays then they are matched element by element. """ # make sure M and e are of the correct format. # if either is scalar, expand to match sizes M = forcendarray(M) e = forcendarray(e) if e.size != M.size: if e.size == 1: e = np.array([e[0]] * len(M)) if M.size == 1: M = np.array([M[0]] * len(e)) assert e.shape == M.shape, "Incompatible inputs." assert np.all((e >= 0)), "e values below zero" if E0 is not None: E0 = forcendarray(E0) assert E0.shape == M.shape, "Incompatible inputs." # define output Eout = np.zeros(M.size) numIter = np.zeros(M.size, dtype=int) # circles cinds = e == 0 Eout[cinds] = M[cinds] # ellipses einds = (e > 0) & (e < 1) if any(einds): Me = np.mod(M[einds], 2 * np.pi) ee = e[einds] # initial values for E if E0 is None: E = Me / (1 - ee) mask = ee * E**2 > 6 * (1 - ee) E[mask] = np.cbrt(6 * Me[mask] / ee[mask]) else: E = E0[einds] # Newton-Raphson setup counter = np.ones(E.shape) err = np.ones(E.shape) # set tolerance is none provided if tol is None: etol = np.spacing(2 * np.pi) else: etol = tol while (np.max(err) > etol) and (np.max(counter) < maxIter): inds = err > etol E[inds] = E[inds] - (Me[inds] - E[inds] + ee[inds] * np.sin(E[inds])) / ( ee[inds] * np.cos(E[inds]) - 1 ) err[inds] = np.abs(Me[inds] - (E[inds] - ee[inds] * np.sin(E[inds]))) counter[inds] += 1 if np.max(counter) == maxIter: if convergence_error: raise ValueError("Maximum number of iterations exceeded") else: warnings.warn("Maximum number of iterations exceeded") Eout[einds] = E numIter[einds] = counter # parabolae pinds = e == 1 if np.any(pinds): q = 9 * M[pinds] / 6 B = (q + np.sqrt(q**2 + 1)) ** (1.0 / 3.0) - (np.sqrt(q**2 + 1) - q) ** ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) Eout[pinds] = B # hyperbolae hinds = e > 1 if np.any(hinds): Mh = M[hinds] eh = e[hinds] # initialize H if E0 is None: H = Mh / (eh - 1) mask = eh * H**2 > 6 * (eh - 1) H[mask] = np.cbrt(6 * Mh[mask] / eh[mask]) else: H = E0[hinds] # Newton-Raphson setup counter = np.ones(H.shape) # set tolerance is none provided if tol is None: htol = 4 * np.spacing(np.abs(H)) else: htol = np.ones(H.shape) * tol Hup = np.ones(len(H)) # we will only update things that haven't hit their tolerance: inds = np.abs(Hup) > htol while np.any(inds) and np.all(counter < maxIter): Hup[inds] = (Mh[inds] - eh[inds] * np.sinh(H[inds]) + H[inds]) / ( eh[inds] * np.cosh(H[inds]) - 1 ) H[inds] = H[inds] + Hup[inds] if tol is None: htol[inds] = 4 * np.spacing(np.abs(H[inds])) counter[inds] += 1 inds = np.abs(Hup) > htol if np.max(counter) == maxIter: if convergence_error: raise ValueError("Maximum number of iterations exceeded") else: warnings.warn("Maximum number of iterations exceeded") Eout[hinds] = H numIter[hinds] = counter out: Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], ...] = (Eout, numIter) if return_nu: nuout = np.zeros(M.size) # circles nuout[cinds] = M[cinds] # ellipses if np.any(einds): nuout[einds] = np.mod( 2 * np.arctan(np.sqrt((1 + e[einds]) / (1 - e[einds])) * np.tan(E / 2)), 2 * np.pi, ) # parabolae if np.any(pinds): nuout[pinds] = 2 * np.arctan(B) # hyperbolae if np.any(hinds): nuout[hinds] = 2 * np.arctan( np.sqrt((e[hinds] + 1) / (e[hinds] - 1)) * np.tanh(H / 2) ) out += (nuout,) return out
[docs]def kepler2orbstate( a: floatORarray, e: floatORarray, O: floatORarray, I: floatORarray, w: floatORarray, mu: floatORarray, nu: floatORarray, ) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_]]: """Calculate orbital state vectors from Keplerian elements Args: a (float or numpy.ndarray): Semi-major axis (or semi-parameter is e = 1) e (float or numpy.ndarray): eccentricity O (float or numpy.ndarray): longitude of ascending node (rad) I (float or numpy.ndarray): inclination (rad) w (float or numpy.ndarray): arguments of periapsis (rad) mu (float or numpy.ndarray): Gravitational parameters. If float, assuming all state vectors belong to the same system. nu (float or numpy.ndarray): True anomaly (rad) Returns: tuple: r (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital radius (n x 3) v (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital velocity (n x 3) Notes: r.flatten() and v.flatten() will automatically stack elements in the proper order in a 1D array """ # force all inputs to ndarrays a = forcendarray(a) e = forcendarray(e) O = forcendarray(O) I = forcendarray(I) w = forcendarray(w) mu = forcendarray(mu) nu = forcendarray(nu) # semi-parameter ell = a * (1 - e**2) ell[e == 1] = a[e == 1] # specific angular momentum h = np.sqrt(mu * ell) # orbital radius r = ell / (1 + e * np.cos(nu)) r = np.vstack( [ r * (-np.sin(O) * np.sin(nu + w) * np.cos(I) + np.cos(O) * np.cos(nu + w)), r * (np.sin(O) * np.cos(nu + w) + np.sin(nu + w) * np.cos(I) * np.cos(O)), r * np.sin(I) * np.sin(nu + w), ] ).transpose() v = np.vstack( [ -mu * ( e * np.sin(O) * np.cos(I) * np.cos(w) + e * np.sin(w) * np.cos(O) + np.sin(O) * np.cos(I) * np.cos(nu + w) + np.sin(nu + w) * np.cos(O) ) / h, mu * ( -e * np.sin(O) * np.sin(w) + e * np.cos(I) * np.cos(O) * np.cos(w) - np.sin(O) * np.sin(nu + w) + np.cos(I) * np.cos(O) * np.cos(nu + w) ) / h, mu * (e * np.cos(w) + np.cos(nu + w)) * np.sin(I) / h, ] ).transpose() return r, v
[docs]def orbstate2kepler( r: npt.NDArray[np.float_], v: npt.NDArray[np.float_], mu: floatORarray ) -> Tuple[ npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_], ]: """Calculate Keplerian elements given orbital state vectors Args: r (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital radius. 3n elements in 1D as [r1(1);r1(2);r1(3);r2(1);r2(2)r2(3);...;rn(1);rn(2);rn(3)] or in 2D as nx3 or 3xn v (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital velocity. Same stacking as r mu (float or numpy.ndarray): Gravitational parameters. If float, assuming all state vectors belong to the same system. Returns: tuple: a (ndarray): Semi-major axis (or semi-parameter where e = 1) e (ndarray): eccentricity O (ndarray): longitude of ascending node (rad) I (ndarray): inclination (rad) w (ndarray): arguments of periapsis (rad) tp (ndarray): time of periapsis passage """ r, v, mu = validateOrbitalStateInputs(r, v, mu) v2 = np.sum(v * v, axis=1) # velocity magnitude squared rmag = np.sqrt(np.sum(r * r, axis=1)) # orbital radius magnitude hvec = np.cross(r, v) # specific angular momentum vector h2 = np.sum(hvec * hvec, axis=1) # magnitude squared hmag = np.sqrt(h2) # momentum magnitude hhat = unitvector(hvec, hmag) # unit vector # line of nodes: nvec = np.vstack([-hvec[:, 1], hvec[:, 0], np.zeros(len(hvec))]).transpose() nmag = np.sqrt(np.sum(nvec * nvec, axis=1)) # magnitude nhat = unitvector(nvec, nmag) # unit vector # eccentricity vector: evec = ( np.tile(v2 / mu - 1 / rmag, (3, 1)).transpose() * r - np.tile(np.sum(r * v, axis=1), (3, 1)).transpose() * v ) e = np.sqrt(np.sum(evec * evec, axis=1)) # eccentricity magnitude ehat = unitvector(evec, e) En = v2 / 2 - mu / rmag # specific energy with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): a = -mu / 2 / En # semi-major axis # handle parabolas (a var is redefined as ell for these cases) e[np.abs(e - 1) < 100 * np.spacing(1)] = 1 # grab all cases where e~1 pinds = e == 1 if np.any(pinds): if mu.size == 1: a[pinds] = h2[pinds] / mu else: a[pinds] = h2[pinds] / mu[pinds] # inclination sinI = np.sqrt(np.sum(hhat[:, [0, 1]] ** 2, axis=1)) cosI = hhat[:, 2] I = np.arctan2(sinI, cosI) # longitude of the ascending node O = np.mod(np.arctan2(hvec[:, 0], -hvec[:, 1]), 2 * np.pi) # argument of periapsis sinw = np.sum(np.cross(nhat, ehat) * hhat, axis=1) cosw = np.sum(ehat * nhat, axis=1) w = np.mod(np.arctan2(sinw, cosw), 2 * np.pi) # true anomaly cosnu = np.sum(ehat * r, axis=1) / rmag sinnu = np.sum(np.cross(ehat, r) * hhat, axis=1) / rmag nu = np.arctan2(sinnu, cosnu) # special cases: zeroI = I == 0 zeroe = e < np.spacing(10) zeroeI = zeroI & zeroe zeroI[zeroeI] = False zeroe[zeroeI] = False # e = I = 0: nu, w, Omega indistinguishable. Put everything in nu and set w=O=0 if np.any(zeroeI): w[zeroeI] = 0 O[zeroeI] = 0 nu[zeroeI] = np.mod(np.arctan2(r[zeroeI, 1], r[zeroeI, 0]), 2 * np.pi) # I = 0: w, Omega indistinguishable. Put everything in omega and set O = 0 if np.any(zeroI): O[zeroI] = 0 w[zeroI] = np.mod(np.arctan2(evec[zeroI, 1], evec[zeroI, 0]), 2 * np.pi) # e = 0: w, nu indistinguishable. Put everything in nu and set w = 0 if np.any(zeroe): cosn = np.sum(nhat[zeroe, :] * r[zeroe, :], axis=1) / rmag[zeroe] sinn = ( np.sum(np.cross(nhat[zeroe, :], r[zeroe, :]) * hhat[zeroe, :], axis=1) / rmag[zeroe] ) nu[zeroe] = np.mod(np.arctan2(sinn, cosn), 2 * np.pi) w[zeroe] = 0 # finally, periapsis time is orbit-type specific E = np.zeros(len(r)) # eccentric/parabolic/hyperbolic anomaly # elliptic case: einds = e < 1 E[einds] = np.mod( 2 * np.arctan(np.sqrt((1 - e[einds]) / (1 + e[einds])) * np.tan(nu[einds] / 2)), 2 * np.pi, ) # parabolic case: E[pinds] = np.tan(nu[pinds] / 2) # hyperbolic case: hinds = e > 1 E[hinds] = 2 * np.arctanh( np.sqrt((e[hinds] - 1) / (e[hinds] + 1)) * np.tan(nu[hinds] / 2) ) # mean motion n = np.sqrt(mu / np.abs(a) ** 3) # handle parabolas if np.any(pinds): n[pinds] *= 2 # periapse passage time tp = np.zeros(len(r)) # elliptic tp[einds] = -(E[einds] - e[einds] * np.sin(E[einds])) / n[einds] # hyperbolic tp[hinds] = -(e[hinds] * np.sinh(E[hinds]) - E[hinds]) / n[hinds] # parabolic tp[pinds] = -(E[pinds] + E[pinds] ** 3 / 3) / n[pinds] return a, e, O, I, w, tp
[docs]def c2c3(psi: npt.ArrayLike) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_]]: """Calculate the c2, c3 coefficients for the universal variable Args: psi (iterable or float): psi = chi^2/a for universal variable chi and semi-major axis a Returns: tuple: c2 (numpy.ndarray): c2 coefficients (same size as input) c3 (numpy.ndarray): c3 coefficients (same size as input) """ # force input into 1D ndarray psi = np.array(psi, ndmin=1).astype(float).flatten() c2 = np.zeros(psi.size) c3 = np.zeros(psi.size) zeropsi = psi == 0 pospsi = psi > 0 negpsi = psi < 0 c2[zeropsi] = 1 / 2 c3[zeropsi] = 1 / 6 c2[pospsi] = (1 - np.cos(np.sqrt(psi[pospsi]))) / psi[pospsi] c3[pospsi] = (np.sqrt(psi[pospsi]) - np.sin(np.sqrt(psi[pospsi]))) / np.sqrt( psi[pospsi] ** 3 ) c2[negpsi] = (1 - np.cosh(np.sqrt(-psi[negpsi]))) / psi[negpsi] c3[negpsi] = (np.sinh(np.sqrt(-psi[negpsi])) - np.sqrt(-psi[negpsi])) / np.sqrt( -psi[negpsi] ** 3 ) return c2, c3
[docs]def universalfg( r0: npt.NDArray[np.float_], v0: npt.NDArray[np.float_], mu: floatORarray, dt: floatORarray, maxIter: int = 100, return_counter: bool = False, convergence_error: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], ...]: """Propagate orbital state vectors by delta t via universal variable-based f and g Args: r0 (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital radius. 3n elements in 1D as [r1(1);r1(2);r1(3);r2(1);r2(2)r2(3);...;rn(1);rn(2);rn(3)] or in 2D as nx3 or 3xn v0 (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital velocity. Same stacking as r mu (float or numpy.ndarray): Gravitational parameters. If float, assuming all state vectors belong to the same system. dt (float or numpy.ndarray): Propagation time. If float, assuming all states are propagated for the same time return_counter (bool): If True, returns the number of iterations for each input state. Defaults False. convergence_error (bool): Raise error on convergence failure if True. Defaults True. Returns: tuple: r (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital radius (n x 3) v (numpy.ndarray): Components of orbital velocity (n x 3) counter(numpy.ndarray): Number of required iterations (size n). Only returned if return_counter is True Notes: r.flatten() and v.flatten() will automatically stack elements in the proper order in a 1D array """ r0, v0, mu = validateOrbitalStateInputs(r0, v0, mu) dt = forcendarray(dt) assert dt.size == 1 or dt.size == len( r0 ), "dt must be scalar or same size as r0 and v0" r0mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(r0 * r0, axis=1)) # orbital radius magnitude v02 = np.sum(v0 * v0, axis=1) # velocity magnitude squared r0dotv0 = np.sum(r0 * v0, axis=1) # r_0 \cdot v_0 alpha = -v02 / mu + 2 / r0mag # 1/a fac0 = r0dotv0 / np.sqrt(mu) # r_0 \cdot v_0 / \sqrt{mu} # classify by orbit type epsval = 1000 * np.spacing(1) eorbs = alpha >= epsval porbs = np.abs(alpha) < epsval horbs = alpha <= -epsval # utility subfunction to grab desired mu and dt values def filtermudt( mu: npt.NDArray[np.float_], dt: npt.NDArray[np.float_], inds: npt.NDArray[np.bool_], ) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], npt.NDArray[np.float_]]: if mu.size == 1: fmu = mu else: fmu = mu[inds] if dt.size == 1: fdt = dt else: fdt = dt[inds] return fmu, fdt # Evaluate initial chi values chi = np.zeros(len(r0)) if np.any(eorbs): emu, edt = filtermudt(mu, dt, eorbs) chi[eorbs] = np.sqrt(emu) * edt * alpha[eorbs] if np.any(porbs): alpha[porbs] = 0 pmu, pdt = filtermudt(mu, dt, porbs) a1 = 1 / 6 b1 = fac0[porbs] / 2 c1 = r0mag[porbs] d1 = -np.sqrt(pmu) * pdt k0 = b1**2 - 3 * a1 * c1 k1 = 2 * b1**3 - 9 * a1 * b1 * c1 + 27 * a1**2 * d1 k2 = np.cbrt((k1 + np.sqrt(k1**2 - 4 * k0**3)) / 2) chi[porbs] = -(b1 + k2 + k0 / k2) / 3 / a1 if np.any(horbs): hmu, hdt = filtermudt(mu, dt, horbs) chi[horbs] = ( np.sign(hdt) * np.sqrt(-1.0 / alpha[horbs]) * np.log( -2 * hmu * alpha[horbs] * hdt / ( r0dotv0[horbs] + np.sign(hdt) * np.sqrt(-hmu / alpha[horbs]) * (1.0 - r0mag[horbs] * alpha[horbs]) ) ) ) # iteration setup counter = np.zeros(len(r0)) r: npt.NDArray[np.float_] = r0mag.copy() # type here to prevent ambiguity later chiup = np.ones(len(r0)) # the tolerance is set by the current magnitudes of chi and r currtol = 10 * np.spacing(np.max(np.abs(np.vstack((chi, r))), axis=0)) # we will only update things that haven't hit their tolerance: inds = np.abs(chiup) > currtol # iterate! while np.any(inds) and np.all(counter < maxIter): psi = chi[inds] ** 2.0 * alpha[inds] c2, c3 = c2c3(psi) r[inds] = ( chi[inds] ** 2.0 * c2 + fac0[inds] * chi[inds] * (1 - psi * c3) + r0mag[inds] * (1 - psi * c2) ) nmu, ndt = filtermudt(mu, dt, inds) chiup[inds] = ( np.sqrt(nmu) * ndt - chi[inds] ** 3.0 * c3 - fac0[inds] * chi[inds] ** 2 * c2 - r0mag[inds] * chi[inds] * (1 - psi * c3) ) / r[inds] chi[inds] += chiup[inds] currtol[inds] = 10 * np.spacing( np.max(np.abs(np.vstack((chi[inds], r[inds]))), axis=0) ) currtol[currtol > 1] = 1 # prevent runaway counter[inds] += 1 inds = np.abs(chiup) > currtol if np.any(counter == maxIter): if convergence_error: raise ValueError("Failed to converge on chi") else: warnings.warn("Failed to converge on chi") # Evaluate f and g functions psi = chi**2.0 * alpha c2, c3 = c2c3(psi) r = chi**2.0 * c2 + fac0 * chi * (1 - psi * c3) + r0mag * (1 - psi * c2) f = 1.0 - chi**2.0 / r0mag * c2 g = dt - chi**3.0 / np.sqrt(mu) * c3 fdot = np.sqrt(mu) / r / r0mag * chi * (psi * c3 - 1.0) gdot = 1.0 - chi**2.0 / r * c2 # r = f*r0 + g*v0; v = fdot*r0 + gdot*v0 r = np.diag(f).dot(r0) + np.diag(g).dot(v0) v: npt.NDArray[np.float_] = np.diag(fdot).dot(r0) + np.diag(gdot).dot(v0) out: Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float_], ...] = (r, v) if return_counter: out += (counter,) return out